At Nutrikynd we are very proud to have produced a TGA listed product. TGA stands for Therapeutic Goods Administration. The TGA are an Australian Government body that regulates the supply, production & advertising of therapeutic goods.
In order to achieve a TGA listing for the Essential 8 product it means our entire supply chain has to comply with extremely stringent regulations. If a supplement is not TGA listed, particularly supplements manufactured in USA, there is very little governance so it's difficult to know exactly what is in the product you are consuming and whether or not the ingredients are safe and of high quality. You can learn more about the TGA here.
If you look on the front of the Essential 8 jar you will see AUST L 317182 - this is what tells you that a product is TGA listed or not. You can read about AUST L numbers and exactly what they represent here.
Why is all of this so important to us? Because ingredient quality varies greatly and often brands use inferior sources to save dollars. You can, for example, be sure that our marine algae ingredient is free of heavy metals and uncontaminated. We could of manufactured our product without a TGA listing but some of our greatest customers are ourselves and families so opting for anything but the best was simply not an option.